They undoubtedly can play a
significant role in making
learning easier and attractive.
You don’t have to bear much
advertisement, they are shorter.
Web series are available in
different languages, you just
need to search yours. They aren’t
also location specific, you can
save your time by watching it in
your free time and even while
traveling. Thus there’s better way
of managing one’s time.
Convenience comes first. Web
series also, do not extend for
long, but they have seasons that
do not bore the audience. The
actors also get enough time in
between seasons. There is limited
or no censorship, which again is a
debatable concept and shall not
be overlooked. Also, they are
accessible, available and
affordable. May be there’s still
some visible life inside this idiot
box, but surely it is mundane
now. It’s high time for the Indian
television industry to sharpen the
calibre of their content, lest we
all know that not all things can
be reincarnated.