VIBE June.16.2014 | Page 5

Fashion means a lot to me. It’s my voice. My wardrobe lets me express who I am visually, and I love it. I love colours and how different seasons dictate what I am going to wear, I love updating my wardrobe in order to be different. Yes, being different to me speaks numbers. Why would you want to follow along with what everyone else is doing? That’s why I love clothes, there are so many out there for you to pick and choose from in order for you to be unique. My fashion, I’d like to think is unique as well, I have boat loads upon boat loads of jewelry, my blazers are like my staple and my weird printed pants I’d like to believe are cool too. Fashion is like art to me, wearing a designers piece of clothing is like wearing a famous artist painting, however when it comes to clothes you can mix and match these paintings on the same canvas; yourself.

Within this magazine, the fashion varies. There are no solid trends that carry throughout it but that’s what I wanted, I didn’t want to “follow a trend” I wanted everything to be different, each page to have a different type or style whether it be dark, light, happy, artsy etc. I wanted the range of fashion within each page to vary; I like to try different things, just like with my fashion choices. Fashion within this magazine means being odd.