Via April 2017 | Page 7

My perception of fashion you ask? To be honest with you I have a hate and love relationship with fashion. It has always interested me. Even working in the fashion industry is something I'd consider doing, though I often don't understand fashion at all.

I knew about streetwear since I was a kid, so it's something I’ve always liked, but at the beginning couldn't afford at all. My mum would never let me buy any clothing. Until I turned 14, I had no choice of what to buy or wear, my mom would always decide what my wardrobe would look like.

Jah, since you browse various fashion forums, can you tell us what you think of these communities? Do you believe they are part of the reason why streetwear has grown so substantially over the past few years, or are they merely a result of it?

Sure. In this case I'll take Basement and Reddit as examples, as they are what I mainly browse. I joined the Basement way before I found Reddit streetwear, but in the beginning I was a lurker on both groups. Even from the early days I could see the two communities are way different. There is no doubt Basement made streetwear grow substantially in the UK and Europe in general. The subreddit has grown in recent years, but the Basement went from being a small selling group with a couple thousands of people, to 60k members in no time. The group is organizing big events, working with big companies and bringing the community together. Honestly it's a family I'm proud to be part of.

Your style is very unique compared to the everyday streetwear enthusiast. What comments do you create around you, when you rock your outfits?

Well my friends sort of got used to that, and the same with my co-workers. Some of them still don't get it, and I often get comments such as: “Why do you have zippers on your shoes”, “Do you really need that many pockets” and “Why do you never wear any colourful clothing”, but it doesn't bother me. Online reactions are always mixed, especially on Reddit: lots of good comments, but a lot of hate coming towards me sometimes as well. On the bright side, if you have haters, you must be doing something right huh?