Welcome from the VHEDC
Forty years-ago , I was graduating from college and starting my first job , which ended up being on a congressional political campaign . Meanwhile , the business community stakeholders in Vadnais Heights were working outside the box , determined to enhance the economic vitality of their treasured city located ten miles north of the Minnesota State Capitol .
The work these business leaders did by creating an economic development corporation that suppored the business community , while at the same time looking for growth opportunities in every sector was remarkable .
Read all about the history of the Vadnais Heights Economic Development Corporation ( VHEDC ) in this issue . It is a story of leaders coming together to better a community . They knew the area needed a hotel , so they sought out hotel management companies to come to Vadnais Heights . They needed a big box store , grocery store and healthcare , and they found those , too .
VHEDC Executive Director Liz Moscatelli and Ramsey County Director of Workforce Solutions Ling Becker . Becker is a former VHEDC Executive Director .
VHEDC has evolved through the years . Former executive directors all put their own stamp on the corporation and made it bigger and better by sharing workforce resources , partnering with the education sector , finding site locations , connecting nonprofit organizations through Partners for Good , grooming North Metro Young Professionals , and creating HR Connections for human resources professionals , all led by a vibrant board of directors and supported by 100 Investors ( members ).
Let ’ s see what the next 40 years brings !
Liz Moscatelli VHEDC Executive Director vhedc . com 5