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BizRecycling is a free public program that helps businesses and apartment complexes located in Ramsey and Washington counties meet their sustainability goals by providing support and funding for waste reduction and recycling activities . Listed below is a sampling of the many services provided by a BizRecycling consultant .

Free waste reduction audits : Technical assistance staff are experts on methods to reduce waste , improve recycling , launch food waste collections and engage staff , residents and customers . Connect with them for a free 30-minute audit to identify improvements you can implement today .
Grant Funding : Grant funding is available to implement improvements to waste management system .
Waste Reduction & Innovation Grant : Up to $ 50,000 for projects that prevent the creation of waste .
Food Recovery Grant : Up to $ 20,000 to recover surplus , edible food to distribute to people in need .
Recycling Grant : Up to $ 20,000 for apartment complexes and $ 10,000 for businesses to improve recycling and food scraps collections .
Organics Reward : Reimbursement for up to three months of food scraps hauling costs .
Bin-Only Grant : Up to $ 2,500 for bins and equipment for small businesses to improve recycling and food waste collections .
BizRecycling is a public program of Ramsey / Washington Recycling & Energy ( R & E ). Through R & E , Ramsey and Washington counties have worked together to manage waste responsibly since the 1980s . The two counties strive to protect health and the environment and meet the state ’ s 75 percent recycling goal .
Since 2014 , BizRecycling has assisted over 1,500 businesses and apartments in improving their waste management operations . Over 1,000 grants have been awarded to area businesses and apartments .
Rose Mall Apartments An example of BizRecyling in action can be found at Rose Mall Apartments , a 162-unit residential property that wanted to make impactful changes to its waste management operations . The property manager , Jami , learned about BizRecycling and reached out for recycling support .
Through their waste reduction audit , BizRecycling and Jami identified ways to better educate and equip residents with the resources needed to improve recycling at the property . At the time of the audit , most of the building ’ s recyclables ended up in the trash , which caused dumpsters to overflow . BizRecycling provided residents with a free recycling tote and educational resources . As a result , Jami ’ s residents were able to recycle properly , meaning more of the right things ended up in the recycling carts and not the dumpster .
Rose Mall Apartments also received a BizRecycling grant for laundry room recycling containers and funding to build a new waste enclosure to help designate a place for recycling and prevent the carts from tipping over and littering .
Did you know ? The hauling cost for your trash bin is taxed by both the county and state . However , there is no tax on hauling costs for recycling or food waste . Diverting these materials from your trash bin to the recycling bin could lower your trash bill .
Contact BizRecycling To set up your free waste reduction audit and apply for grant funding , visit BizRecycling . com or call 651-266-1166 .
Always pair a color-coded blue recycling bin with a black trash bin . This simple solution will decrease contamination and may also reduce tax charges on your hauling bills .
Contact BizRecycling for more solutions and funding for new trash , recycling and food waste bins .
To set up your free waste reduction audit and apply for grant funding , visit BizRecycling . com or call 651-266-1166 .
58 Northeast Metro Business