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The YST program also provides the approval process for manufacturing companies to bring in 16 and 17-yearold student learners , which otherwise would not be an option due to child labor laws . There are currently about 170 companies throughout the state participating . The majority of them , including MME Group , a fullservice injection molder and contract manufacturer based in Vadnais Heights , are in the manufacturing industry .
“ Depending on their background and interests , we have a variety of different departments students can rotate through . Our goal is to give them a wide variety of experiences so they understand what a career in tooling , production or material handling / shipping receiving would be like ,” said Phil Boeke , President , MME Group .
“ Don ’ t be afraid to explore different options , especially if you have a program like this where if you don ’ t like it , the longest it will last is the summer .”
-Justin Spannbauer , MME Group
One of the students who went through the program is Justin Spannbauer from Tartan High School in Oakdale . He learned about tooling as a possible career from a neighbor when he was a high school junior back in 2021 .
Spannbauer participated in the YST program at MME Group the summer before his senior year , and stayed on as a part-time employee when the program ended . He has since graduated from high school and is now enrolled in the CNC Toolmaking program at St . Paul College .
When not in class , he works at MME Group , helping out with mold maintenance . “ I clean molds so they run efficiently and cleanly and nothing breaks ,” said Spannbauer , who added that he is looking forward to a long career in the industry .
“ There are so many different ways you can go with being a machinist in general . With toolmaking specifically , there are just so many things to learn about . I just think it ’ s so cool that there are guys who have been doing it for 30 years and they are still learning something new .”
“ I just love this program ,” added Boeke , whose company has been involved with the Youth Skills Training Program for about three years .
“ I hear from companies all the time that they hired students who went through the YST program , and that ’ s the goal . We want these kids to get that experience while they are still in high school , and then if it ’ s something they like , and the company likes , they hire them on full time ,” said Wessels .
Students who participate in the program at the Roseville Area Schools have also experienced success securing jobs in manufacturing locally after going through the program . YST was launched by the school system a few years ago .
Brynn McConnell , Career Navigator for Roseville Area Schools , said a grant that runs from July 1 , 2022 , through June 30 , 2024 , will help pay for new equipment , and transportation to get students to and from the companies offering them hands-on learning opportunities . The YST grant for Roseville Area High School will also cover recruitment events to promote manufacturing careers to underrepresented groups including students of color , femaleidentifying students , EL students , and students receiving special education services .
“ Since the program began three years ago , we have always had guest speakers come in and do hands-on demonstrations with students . Now that we have the grant funding , we ’ ll be arranging field trips where we can get students on site as well . So , they ’ ll get to tie in what ’ s going on in the classroom with what they ’ ll get to experience in the industry ,” said McConnell .
Roseville Area Schools offers several manufacturing courses as electives at the high school . Courses in the Manufacturing & Engineering Pathway include : Exploring Engineering ; Mechanical Drafting / Engineering I , II , III ; Architectural Drafting & Design I , II ; Civil Engineering ; Manufacturing I , II ; Small Engines with Welding I , II , III ; Woods I , II , III , IV , V ; Learning the Construction Trades ; and Advanced Construction Trades : Framing to Finish .
“ We just got Youth Skills Training approval to send students to Atlas Manufacturing over in Minneapolis for internships , and will be starting students on site coming up in 2023 ,” said McConnell . The District is also planning to work with Water Jet Cutting Solutions , Inc ., of Blaine and the Roseville office of Lake Air Products in 2023 .
In the past , Roseville Area Schools has sent interns to MME Group , Inc . in Vadnais Heights and BIX Produce in Little Canada .
“ For so long , the messaging has been that a four-year college degree is the only way to success , but that ’ s not the reality of the world right now . If you look at current job trends locally and nationally , the most in demand ,
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