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Track demographics of applicants such as gender , race , geography , and source of job referral to monitor impacts of recruiting efforts . For hiring , consider reviewing applicant demographics to document the number of candidates who applied and were interviewed from identified groups after the hiring process is over . Tracking demographics of those interviewed and hired helps with improvement goals for the next round of hiring .
Once metrics are established and expectations are set as an organization , move onto the very detailed work of improving your strategies within specific points in the employee life cycle . For example , in recruiting , work on creating inclusive and equitable job descriptions and postings . This could include ensuring use of language appealing to everyone , using plain language at a reading level accessible to all candidates . Another very equitable practice is to explicitly state wage rate in job postings . Withholding wage / salary ranges in job postings disadvantages women and people of color , who are less likely to succeed in negotiating salary than white male applicants . Even slight wording changes in postings can draw more candidates . For instance , consider using the phrase “ access to reliable transportation ” over “ access to personal vehicle .”
Our communities continue to change and evolve . Ramsey County is the most diverse county in Minnesota . It takes intentionality and commitment to be a more inclusive employer . Genuine and effective inclusivity ensures organizations are better positioned to attract more diverse candidates .
One concrete effort of the County is the Inclusive Workplaces Cohort that is sponsored by the Workforce Innovation Board . This is an annual cohort of small to mid-sized employers engaging in extended executive coaching . Employers are provided the opportunity to participate in a peer learning community with the goal of advancing equity and inclusion in their organizations . In partnership with the Center for Economic Inclusion , the cohort experience creates a learning environment that fosters discussion and sharing of ideas , while encouraging accountability through safe and brave spaces for confidentiality .
“ Our firm had the opportunity to participate in the first Inclusive Workplace Cohort in 2022 ,” stated Kurt Rakos , Partner at SkyWater Search Partners . “ It proved to be an incredible opportunity to learn and establish best practices to advance equity and inclusion in our organization . Working and communicating with other organizations gave all the participants a feeling that collectively we could make a difference now and in the future . We came away from this cohort with concrete actions that we were able to implement right away .”
SPONSOR A variety of options are available to align with your business goals .
ENTER THE PARADE Quickly get your brand in front of a large audience - and have fun !
VOLUNTEER Help out at the event as an individual or with a group of friends or colleagues !
Ramsey County Workforce Solutions is a resource to help with your workforce needs . Feel free to contact us at EmployerServices @ ramseycounty . us or visit us at www . ramseycountymeansbusiness / workforce .
Lowering business costs can mean a lot right now . So let ’ s make that happen . Our Energy Advisors have the money-saving ideas you need to keep business going . You . Us . Together . That ’ s good energy .
Connect with an Energy Advisor . 855-839-8862 or EnergyEfficiency @ xcelenergy . com .
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