Vetstreet: Optimize Your Practice's Performance Volume 1 | Page 3


“ Clients must be reminded multiple times , multiple ways .”*
— Wendy S . Myers for Vetstreet Communication Solutions for Veterinarians

Vetstreet Premier Reminder System

Our Premier Reminder System offers three great communication tools that will have your clients visiting your practice more often . It ’ s as easy as 1-2-3 .
1 . Postcard reminder : With multiple unique design options , our postcards keep you top of mind with clients .
2 . HealthyPet ® magazine : Educational , informative , and geared specifically toward pet owners , this healthcare reminder magazine features a customizable 4-page cover wrap with messages and coupons , as well as your logo and staff photo .
3 . Email or text reminder : Sending automated emails and texts offers a convenient way to remind your clients and helps ensure your practice is part of your clients ’ pet health plan .
“ You should expect a 70 % response rate once clients receive first , second , and third reminders .”* — Wendy S . Myers for Vetstreet
* Source : Increase Compliance for Preventive Care with These Reminder Improvements