Verve 2022 | Page 8

The Black Sakura Anaia Dessay - winner

I opened my eyes to an iridescent force field , shimmering with a thousand rainbows , like winter dawns . Beyond this , a yawning void of pure darkness as black as the soul of a demon . Screeches and pleas filled the air outside like a tsunami , drowning each other out in a torrent of words .
On the inside of the force field was a peaceful garden in which I stood . Cherry and apple trees in full blossom creating a beautiful canopy , engulfing the air with a sweet , heady aroma . A path of luminous white gravel meandered its way through the garden . Ornate , oriental bridges painted in jaunty purple and blue were dotted around the space , creating sparkling , sapphire blue rivulets which snaked through the garden . The path was lined by nodding daffodil and tulip meadows , hedgerows of hawthorn and dog rose and ponds of water lilies and spotted kai . It was as if this paradisiacal garden of eternal spring flourished , completely oblivious to the starving expanse of shadow beyond .