Verve 2022 | Page 31

Clouds now darken and the sun hides , hides in fright of all the carnage left behind . The calm swaying of the rustling leaves and stillness in the air is just a facade , the truth dwells deep beyond the scene , obscured by a momentary lull . I turn my gaze back upon the tree , detesting the crude sight of the state of my home . A leaf falls off a branch , spiralling according to the wind , having no will of its own . It doesn ’ t know its path , yet it has no choice but fall . It flies helpless against the wind , helpless against the natural winding way . I cannot help but feel compassion for its slavery . Then the leaf lands on the grounds and settles , stops in its tracks , and slowly starts to become part of nature .
It ’ s not long before the men arrive . Tens of them march slowly up the hill in formation . I feel their footsteps advance up the slope , my doom marching upon me mockingly . When they are nearer me , they stop upon the shout of a command and wait . I gather the last bits of courage left in my body and stand up . I pick up my sword which lay right beside me on the grass and slowly face the gathered cohorts . I can count over fifty men that stand closely together in perfect columns and at last my gaze falls upon the one on the horse . After I acknowledge his presence , he dismounts and starts to slowly make his way over to me . At that moment I understand that I will end up with my people , and even then , the thought of it gives me more anger and energy .
“ Lay down your sword , there ’ s no use fighting !” he mockingly sneers at me . I remain unmoved , collecting myself . Words seem unnecessary , he tore to shreds my life and I am not backing down . He continues in a convincing tone : “ If you kneel , I might spare you the unpleasant hospitality of my dungeons .” This time I can ’ t hold all of my anger in any longer and I rush at him , sword at my side . He shouts the soldiers to him . He unbuckles his sword and takes it out . All thoughts leave me ; I am left with only my sword and my hardened reflexes .
I near him and swing at his head .