Veronica Potter Mass Booklet Veronica Potter Mass Booklet Joomag | Page 5

SECOND READING 2 Corinthians 4:14-5:1
A reading from the second letter of St Paul to the Corinthians
We know that he who raised the Lord Jesus to life will raise us with Jesus in our turn , and put us by his side and you with us . You see , all this is for your benefit , so that the more grace is multiplied among people , the more thanksgiving there will be , to the glory of God . That is why there is no weakening on our part , and instead , though this outer man of ours may be falling into decay , the inner man is renewed day by day . Yes , the troubles which are soon over , though they weigh little , train us for the carrying of a weight of eternal glory which is out of all proportion to them . And so we have no eyes for the things that are visible , but only for the things that are invisible ; for visible things last only for a time , and the invisible things are eternal .
For we know that when the tent that we live in on earth is folded up , there is a house built by God for us , an everlasting home not made by human hands , in the heavens .
The word of the Lord All : Thanks be to God .
Glory and praise to you , Lord Jesus Christ ! God loved the world so much that he gave us his only Son , that all who believe in him might have eternal life Glory and praise to you , Lord Jesus Christ !