61 It is in these buildings where the political and admini- strative life of Verona took its course, especially under the domination of the Scala family. The square is sur- rounded by monuments connected to each other by porticos and arcades, creating a sort of grand court- yard. In the center, there is the monument of Dante, which dates back to the year 1865. The statue is three meters tall, and sculpted in white Carrara marble. It was erected to celebrate the sixth centenary of the birth of the poet, who, at the court of Cangrande, found his first refuge after being exiled from Florence. Entering the square from the Arco della Costa, and starting from the right side, one discovers the Palazzo del Comune, also known as the Palazzo della Ragione. It was built at the end of the 12th century, and today it is used as a museum. Among its towers, the most famous one is the Torre dei Lamberti, which, being available to the public, offers a 360° panoramic view over the city. Passing through the arch of the building, one discovers the well conserved and beautiful Cortile del Mercato Vecchio, with the Scala della Ragione, which is a late Gothic masterpiece, dating to the 15th century. Among the other buildings, there is the Palazzo del Capitanio, behind which there is an important Roman excavation, there is also the International Center of Photography of the Scavi Scaligeri, the Palazzo del Governo, the Loggia del Consiglio, and finally the Domus Nova, also called the Palazzo dei Giudici. Gli antichi palazzi circondano la piazza come le quinte di un’elegante scenografia. The ancient buildings surround the square like elegant stage scenery