1 1 M a g a z i n e Luoghi incantati, momenti d’Arte e Storia. Enchanting Places of Art and History. Passeggiando per il centro storico di Verona A walk through Verona’s history city centre I . P . - Compliment ary c opies / F ree c opy S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2019 T O URI S T I NF O RMA T I O N P RO MO T I O NS FREE TARIFIED CERTIFICATE DISTRIBUTION To the precious tourist segment of "Target Alto": IN THE BEST 5 AND 4 STAR HOTELS, LUXURY AND EXTRA LUXURY RELAIS of the City of Verona and Lake Garda, who make it FREE to their customers, Convention Centers, Golf Club, Airport, Best Travel Agencies. TO ALL OUR SELECTED ADVERTISERS: the best restaurants, cafes, shops, in the most prestigious Verona meeting and transit points, to particular shows, events or local events. The publication does not deal with issues of Politics, Gossip or anything else, but exclusive information on products and services, as well as local historical and cultural information for tourism. Photos of the entire publication are property: Primo Group & Partners Communication Photographic Archive. ©All rights reserved Any form of reproduction, even partial, will be prosecuted in terms of the law. Testi Editoriali a cura della Redazione: Artifices srls Pagine / Pages: Piazza Brà..............2 2 Arena...................2 L’ 4 Castel V ecchio........32 Cangrande..............3 4 Piazza Erbe............38 Madonna Verona....43 Torre dei Lamberti.. 56 Piazza Dante..........60 Traduzioni Editoriali: Artifices srls Traduzioni Editoriali Aggiornate: Mark Newman Lago di Garda ..... 232 Direttore responsabile: Roberto Bianconi Lessiania ............ 257 Via G. Garibaldi, 5/20 - 37057 San Giovanni Lupatoto - Verona - Italy Sommario / Contents C i t y B o o k M a g a zi n e