Vermont Magazine | Page 54

Story b Photo y Mark Aik graph e y cou n rtesy Brian G odfre y Reading, Writing, and … Skiing and Riding with Mr. G Richmond Gym Teacher Brings Snow Sports to All B rian Godfrey does not sweat the details. Seven years ago, when he took a new job as physical education teacher at Richmond Elementary School, Brian met with parents to discuss potential opportunities in the Richmond community— untapped resources that could benefi t the student experience. “Some parents mentioned skiing,” he says. Th ere were no budget dollars for alpine skiing in the physical education curriculum. Neither was there a precedent for such a unit, because, frankly, when is there time in a school day for skiing? Not one to let details like “time,” “money,” or “history” stand in his way, Brian pressed forward. He arranged transportation through the school district, scoured sales and seconds for equipment, and reached out to Barbara Ann Cochran, Richmond’s resident Olympic gold medalist skier. He calculated costs and raised funds by holding evening activity nights at school— “Mr. G.’s Gymboree,” he called them. He put so much time and energy making the dream a reality, that it wasn’t until later that Brian encountered a detail that even he considered more signifi cant. Th e very fi rst group of fourth graders—his pilot group—fi led off the school bus at Cochran’s Ski Area in Richmond. He geared them up with ski equipment that he had scrounged, sorted, tuned, and labeled himself. On the snow, he faced the group with former Olympian Barbara Ann at his side. At that moment something occurred to him: “I need to learn how to ski!” 52 VERMONT MAGAZINE