Vermont Magazine | Page 50

O ur story started in 1981 when our founder opened a cart on Church Street in Burlington, Vermont and began selling teddy bears that he made in his garage. Thirty-five years later, our bears continue to be best friends, a part of the family, and beloved heirlooms. Each one of our meticulously designed, artisan, and handcrafted bears is guaranteed for a lifetime. While we never underestimate the wonderful power of a bear hug, the teddy bears in our Bears That Care program go the extra mile by bringing awareness and support to organizations that do amazing work. Story by Vermont Teddy Bear 48 VERMONT MAGAZINE It is part of every teddy bear’s nature to give you hugs when needed, provide courage when you need strength, and dry your tears with warm smiles. We take our bears and their responsibilities very seriously, which is why we created the Bears That Care program and partner with nonprofits of all sizes to make a meaningful impact in the lives of our neighbors and communities.