VERMONT Magazine Winter 2024 | Page 14

Forehand goes big in a daring stunt for a Red Bull project
without SMS . My time there taught me how to stay dialed in to the athlete mindset . It doesn ’ t all happen out on the hill . A lot of it happens in the gym and in training . SMS taught me the importance of training and scheduling , and I still use that today .
Q : One of my favorite things about SMS is the balance between academics and athletics that you just touched on . To that end , there ’ s a lot of pressure for student athletes who compete on the high levels that you competed at while enrolled there . What would your advice be for SMS students — or any young freeskiers — about how to adapt to the pressure of competition , balance academic responsibilities , and take care of their mental health ?
Forehand : I would say that it ’ s important to remember the roots of the sport . The whole reason we got into freeskiing is because it ’ s fun . As long as you have a good time , that ’ s where you ’ re going to find the most success in our sport . It always comes back to going out on a hill , skiing , and enjoying it . Those days when I was out there having fun with my friends are how I got better at skiing . That ’ s what I would want to emphasize to the kids that are coming up today . There ’ s so much young talent at SMS . I see them doing really well in competitions and getting on the podium , but I can also tell from seeing Instagram videos and talking to the coaches that they ’ re really enjoying it . As long as you keep your head in that direction , I think you ’ re going to succeed .
Q : Absolutely . Passion and enjoyment are incredibly important , and that ’ s evident in the hard work that you put into the process of learning new tricks and planning them . Can you take us through the conceptualization of your most recent , historic trick , the upside-down rail slide ?
Forehand : I find the most inspiration in learning new tricks . I ’ ve always wanted to learn bigger and better tricks . That ’ s where I find the creative mindset , because I ’ m trying to push myself to a different level . When I ’ m trying to think of something new , the question I ask myself is , “ How can I scare myself the most , and what is super-gnarly that hasn ’ t been done before ?” A lot of trampoline time also helps with that . I was on the trampoline so much when I was at SMS , and it helps with air awareness and visualization . When it came specifically to the upside-down