VERMONT Magazine Winter 2023 | Page 28

this year The Cynic switched to being an entirely online publication , something it started doing in hybrid with printing in 2001 . With stories published electronically consistently reaching hundreds of views , the publication still has a strong base and offers students the opportunity to have their work read by a large audience . With the switch to being entirely digital , writers have more leeway with the lengths of their pieces , which has helped foster a better working environment for all members of the staff . Yet , the barren Cynic paper stands still haunt campus , demanding we remember a physicality that will not be forgotten . However , if there ’ s one thing told by the story of The Cynic , it ’ s that the paper is always adapting . It grows and shrinks and morphs to meet the needs of the students it serves . Although it ’ s heading into a new chapter , the goals of the publication haven ’ t changed .
In the first issues of The Cynic , one editorial reads , “ If the name on our cover means [ anything ], it means we shall honestly speak the convictions of our mind ; it means all things conflicting with the interests we represent , we shall constantly and consistently combat .” And that ’ s what The Cynic has done in the 140 years since its inception : Provide students with an opportunity to speak their minds , express their grievances , and uplift their community .

ALL THE DETAILS vtcynic . com

Eamon Dunn is a junior English major at the University of Vermont where his work won a Marion Albee Award for excellence in composition . He ’ s the editor of the Culture section at The Vermont Cynic and works as a tutor in the Undergraduate Writing Center .
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