VERMONT Magazine Summer 24 | Page 21

think we dipped our toe into psychedelia . I think this record that we ’ re making now is going to have some of that , but it also will have a straight-ahead Americana song like “ Highway Queen .” I ’ m not going to try to make a conceptual album that all sounds the same , is played in the same relative key , and just slithers through your brain in a perfect way . I wish I could do that , but that ’ s not how I write . My music taste is very open . I ’ ll listen to Dua Lipa one day , then the next day , I ’ ll listen to “ Divided Sky ” ( Phish ). It all depends on what my musical antenna is bringing in . I ’ m very excited for the new album . It ’ s going to be a hodgepodge of different musical styles , and we ’ re going to make the best 10 songs that we could possibly make and go with that .
Q : I think that the great thing about music today is that genre lines have blurred to the point that there are no more concrete creative limits . Some of the best records
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