VERMONT Magazine Summer 2022 | Page 45

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By Ann Cooper
The changes came so subtly at first , the random leaf , but soon the random bush or tree , hints of oranges , yellows , reds to come . Occasional leaves dot color on the ground — not carpet yet of brilliance turning brown .
Now change happens constantly despite the calendar , which says that fall is still some days away .
My favorite part of autumn is the time when its exuberance equals summer ’ s calmer hue , just before all is set ablaze . But even at its peak I know , I dread , what lies ahead : gray cold , stick silhouettes against the steely sky .
So on these early days of color shouting to the equinoctial sky , I take long walks among the still-full trees and marvel at the luscious grass , storing up the memory of green .
From 1995 until 2002 , I published Historic Roots , a magazine of Vermont history designed for the adult new reader and used also in the 4th-6th grades . I was an interfaith chaplain at Fletcher Allen Hospital Center in Burlington , where I also helped to train chaplains .
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Since 1954 , an organization of Vermont enthusiasts whose objective is to visit the state ’ s 251 towns and cities .
Ann Cooper
I have worked for nonprofits all of my professional life , having served as editor of The New-York Historical Society , New Jersey Coordinator for Hands Across America , a national event raising awareness of hunger and homelessness in 1986 , and as consultant to state and local NGOs in New Jersey and Vermont . I also held elective office in New Jersey , serving on my town council and a county charter study commission .
Since moving to Vermont in 1988 , I have served first as consultant , then as board member and then chair of the Vermont Symphony . I have served on the Executive Committee for the Center for Research on Vermont and the board of the Marlboro Music Festival . I also served on the New England Board of Higher Education , appointed by Governor Dean .
I received a BA from Wellesley College and an MA in History from Columbia University .
Lest you think I am all work and no play , I am a passionate Mets fan and an even more passionate fan of my children and grandchildren , who live all over the globe .
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