VERMONT MAGAZINE Summer 2021 | Page 63

process to make sure that we could streamline the application for professional purposes . When you ’ re taking measurements of pool chemical levels , you take some pool water out of your pool and then put it in a test tube to perform the necessary chemical tests . With Pool Shark H2O - instead of logging the results on paper and having to do all sorts of mathematical and scientific calculations - you can enter the results from those tests right into your phone or tablet . When you hit “ save ,” the Pool Shark H20 application handles the water analysis for you automatically . It then tells you what you need to put in the pool to bring it back to its optimum chemical balance . If you do need to put any chemicals in your pool , the application will automatically send alerts out via instant message and email to let everyone in the property management network know what needs to be done .
While I was in the process of developing the pitch for the company and getting the technical logistics of the application in order , I came across a wonderful Southern Vermont business development group called The Lightning Jar . My friend from Mount Anthony High School , Dimitri Garder , is on the Board of The Lightning Jar , so it was wonderful to be able to reconnect with him . The folks at The Lightning Jar really helped me get my “ road pitch ” together , and also helped provide me with access to business mentors and classes that helped to shape the development of my business .
After Pool Shark H20 got off the ground , we partnered with a water testing company called Lamotte , and integrated their water testing machines with our software . They have what ’ s called a Mobile WaterLink Spin Touch Lab machine . If you load a syringe full of pool water into a disc and insert the disc into the machine , it will handle all of your chemical tests right there . The Machine has a Bluetooth link , so if you press the Bluetooth button , it will automatically fill out all of the forms on Pool Shark H20 . It really helps to decrease the workload for pool maintenance staff , and also saves time at every step of the water testing process .
As the business continued to grow , The Lightning Jar helped me navigate a lot of the challenges at every stage of my entrepreneurial journey . It was amazing to be able to work with such a great Southern
Vermont-based organization . The Lightning Jar provides professionals looking to make the transition to independent business ownership with the necessary tools to make it happen .
I left my full-time job in 2016 to work as the CEO of Pool Shark H20 full-time . The business had grown to the point that it was taking too many hours out of my day to run it while still working at my other full-time job . I ’ m still working full-time for Pool Shark H20 today , and I ’ m proud to be running my business here in Southern Vermont .
What keeps you here ?
Vermont is an incredibly beautiful place to live . I have two kids ( a ten year old and an eight year old ), so I ’ m grateful to live in a place where I can enjoy a wide range of healthy outdoor activities with my family . There are lots of safe and accessible places to go fishing in Southern Vermont , and there are wonderful local lakes and parks like Lake Paran and Lake Shaftsbury . There are fantastic hiking trails , biking trails , and world-class local ski resorts . I would recommend anyone who comes to live in Vermont to go outside and explore . Regardless of how busy I get with the day-to-day oversight of Pool Shark H20 , I always try to set aside some time to get outside when the weather is nice .
In addition to the wide range of outdoor activities , Vermont definitely provides an
Scott and family apple picking in East Dorset , Vermont . easier and less stressful way of life . I can work remotely and not have to spend hours in my car stuck in gridlock traffic . The stores and restaurants that are here are wonderful , and the cultural community is incredibly vibrant .
There are also a lot of career opportunities here . The opportunities that are here are different than the opportunities you ’ ll find in a major city , but if you put yourself out there and reach out to community resources , it ’ s relatively easy to build a network here – especially given the recent influx of new residents . I would encourage anyone who wants to live in a relaxing and beautiful place and work remotely to come to Vermont and experience what life is like up here . I would also encourage anyone who wants to make the transition to independent business ownership to get involved and engaged with their local professional community wherever they are . The time I spent at The Lightning Jar really played a pivotal role in my professional advancement . The connections I formed there and the lessons I learned there gave me the confidence that I needed to succeed as an independent business owner . I wholeheartedly believe that we ’ re going to see the Southern Vermont business community flourish in the near future . Based on my own experience , I would definitely encourage the next generation of Vermont entrepreneurs to follow their passions .

poolsharkh2o . com