VERMONT MAGAZINE Summer 2021 | Page 54

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Joe @ oldmillroadmedia . com members and employees to feel supported no matter what . We also want to make sure that we provide them with memorable opportunities to connect and interact . Every summer we do ‘ Family Fun Day ’ at a local park . A couple of falls ago , we organized a day trip to a Castleton University Football game where all of our employees and their families were invited to join us at a barbecue . We ’ ve also done a movie day at the Paramount Theatre in Rutland . We ’ re always looking for opportunities to keep our staff happy and keep up that spirit of teamwork and togetherness .”
HFCU ’ s VP of Organizational Development & Training , Peg Lucci , adds that in order to ensure that HFCU ’ s staff remains motivated , enthusiastic , and passionate about their work , employee wellness is crucially important . Lucci says that the original HFCU Worksite Wellness program originated two decades ago as the result of a health campaign that aimed to curb smoking in the workplace . “ The reason that the program started is that HFCU made the decision to become a smoke-free workplace . At the time , our senior leaders and CEO thought that it was important to give the employees a healthy incentive for giving up smoking at work . That was when they started the health club reimbursement program . If employees joined a health club , smoking cessation program , or weight loss program , they were reimbursed 25 dollars a month for their participation in healthy activities . It just continued to grow from there .”
Lucci used her background in health and wellness to help craft the HFCU ’ s Worksite Wellness program . After the initial pilot of the health club reimbursement program , Lucci partnered with HFCU HR SVP Barbara Begin to expand the available programs . “ When I got involved , we started doing employee events that were centered around weight loss and nutrition . Eventually , several additional employees were added to the HFCU ‘ Wellness Team .’ There were five to eight employees at any given time working on additional opportunities for wellness . We then aligned ourselves with Blue Cross Blue Shield and their ‘ Accountable Blue ’ program , which provided us with a consultant from Blue Cross Blue Shield to help us improve our wellness programming . They also provided us with funding to pay for additional events .” This support has continued with our current provider , CIGNA .