VERMONT MAGAZINE Summer 2021 | Page 44

Williams : I actually gave John Travolta his first ride in a small plane back when we were doing Grease . I ’ ve been flying for 50 years , but it feels like yesterday that I was doing my first solo flight in Connecticut . It ’ s always been my way to cope with the stress of working in an industry that has so many ups and downs . It also gives me something to be interested in outside of acting and waiting for the next job . The fact that I have a skill and can fly an airplane and do it well with great training and great care gives me a great sense of pride .
Sherman : It ’ s always great to find something that brings you joy and peace and allows you to find fulfillment . Speaking of which , when did you first come to Vermont , and what made you want to move here and raise a family here with your wife , Pam ?
Williams : I ’ ve been a skier all my life . We would come and ski in Vermont as a family when I was growing up , and we would stay at a place in Peru when I was five years old called the Russell Inn . It ’ s across the street from a wonderfully-renovated general store up there . I have extraordinarily happy memories of Christmas vacations up here in Vermont . Eventually , my dad bought a house in Weston and I started going up there all the time . I just fell in love with Vermont , and I fell equally in love with Weston . My wife Pam and I used my parents ’ house in Weston while we were courting . We started skiing together up here . I called my lawyer and said , “ I ’ m overusing my parents ’ house . I think I ’ d like to rent a house .” He said , “ No . Why don ’ t you buy one ? You can afford one .” I bought the house that we ’ re in 35 years ago . I ’ ve always had an enormous love for Vermont , both in winter and summer . There was something incredibly special about it to me , and the people here are incredibly honest , real and good-humored . There ’ s also always something new to discover somewhere on a dirt road that you ’ ve never traveled on before . Every day I wake up so grateful to see the view that I see out of my window and to be living up here . I think very few people are lucky as I am to say , “ I love where I live .” I don ’ t have any fantasies of being somewhere else . I have everything I want and need in Vermont . I ’ ve been all over the world , and I ’ ve never seen a place as beautiful as Vermont .
TOP ROW : Treat with his son , Gill , then and now . SECOND ROW : Treat with his daughter , Ellie , then and now . THIRD ROW : Treat with his wife , Pam , and son , Gill . BOTTOM ROW : Left : Treat with Dolly Parton . Right : Treat with close friend and actor , Stephen Lang .
To listen to the extended interview with TREAT WILLIAMS go to VTVOICES at OldMillRoadRecording . com