VERMONT MAGAZINE Summer 2021 | Page 25


By Lindsay Knowlton
Pride of its weathervane far past remembrance and stately cupola doomed , the abandoned barn has long yearned to sit down , and now after years of wind and weather goading its boards , the barn will have its way . With stray sections of sheet metal Now torn away and odd shafts of light streaming through , the roof has gathered momentum quickening its downward slide . Not a crosspiece level , no upright plumb , its sagging shell has begun to bulge and taken up a fitful clanging and moaning . Last year ’ s doves , who for a while nested high in the loft , have made themselves scarce . With the cows long gone and stanchions now near collapse , blessed by the wind in the rafters , the ghosts in the stalls soon too will give up all pretense and gratefully sink to their knees .
Lindsay Knowlton has lived with her late partner , poet , Burt Porter , in an old farmhouse in Glover , Vermont for a quarter of a century . She received her MFA degree in poetry from Warren Wilson College . She has published poems in many journals and a book of poetry EARTHLY FREIGHT with I Universe on Amazon . She has twice been a fellow at MacDowell . She is a former recipient of a fellowship from the Massachusetts Artists Foundation . She is an avid birder , traveler , reader and walker .
DAVID BREWSTER davidbrewsterfineart . com mitchellgiddingsfinearts . com / artist / david-brewster