VERMONT Magazine Fall 2024 | Page 22

Clockwise from top left : Josiah with Raye at SNL ; Josiah with Billy Cobham at GRP Records c . 1986 ; Josiah ’ s kids meeting John Cena summer 2016 ; Josiah with Mark Ronson at SNL ; Josiah with Kate Hudson ; Josiah ’ s dog , Leo ; Josiah with Curtis Stigers at Brooklyn Recording , NY ; Josiah with Ed Sheeran at SNL ; Josiah with Hannah Waddingham at SNL ; Josiah with Karrin Allyson at Fantasy Studios . Berkeley , CA 2007 ; Josiah ’ s kids meeting Raye ; Josiah with Brandi Carlile at SNL .
said , “ Yeah .” I said , “ I ’ m a big fan .” And I mentioned something about the score to Heaven Can Wait , the Warren Beatty film , which I really love . About 10 days after that , Larry got a hold of my number from the studio and called me . He said , “ So , look : You ’ ve seen my studio . I need someone to run it . It ’ s a permanent , full-time position for one individual . You ’ ve got eyes for it ?” I was like , “ Yes .” I came in the next day and walked in there with my paltry resume and a demo reel . He never read the resume , and he never
listened to the reel . He just said , “ I don ’ t really know you as an engineer , but you know your way around the control room , and you seem like a nice guy , and I think we should give this a shot .” And you can do the jump cut from the end of that sentence to the downbeat of my 32nd year at SNL .
JS : Well , then , let ’ s talk about Saturday Night Live ! Can you walk us through your typical week there ?
JG : For a live show , on Wednesday evening , I will get an email from the music department , and it will say , “ These are the following sketches that need music this week .” And they might say , “ Needle drop , needle drop , needle drop ,” which is an old expression from radio production days , where you put the needle down on the record and play that cue . So , this will be library music , or some other song that has been licensed , etc . There might be other music that is created by the music department with