Vermont Bar Journal, Vol. 40, No. 2 Vermont Bar Journal, Summer 2019 | Page 6

Director vocacy, having served two terms as a state representative from 1986 – 1990. Asked what his favorite part about the legislative advocacy work he’s done has been, Bob re- plied: members of the VBA who made many sacrifices to improve and modernize our laws. Legislative advocacy on be- half of our association only works be- cause of members’ involvement. I’d say my favorite part of the work has been positioning the VBA in a place where legislators rely on the associa- tion as they work on bills. Since 1996 we’ve become the “go to” resource for many issues, many of which didn’t even appear on our radar screen. But legislators have come to respect us and seek us out for advice and sug- gestions for how best to proceed even if the topic at hand wasn’t nec- essarily one that we’d identified. Earn- ing that position of respect is one of my proudest accomplishments. The VBA is happy to help our mem- bers make a very positive difference at the statehouse. Without members’ will- ingness to share their expertise, and their generosity of time and effort in preparing and delivering testimony, legislators would be at a distinct disadvantage when voting on bills that impact members and their cli- ents. We are very grateful to all the lawyers who have answered the call to testify when asked, to propose legislation, and to other- wise inform legislators about a wide variety of topics. And Bob, we are very grateful to you for the standard of excellence that you’ve brought to VBA legislative advo- cacy. We will do our best to maintain and build upon that standard! And his least favorite part? I’d say it’s the unpredictability of scheduling and the amount of down time involved. There’s certainly a lot of “hurry up and wait” as those of you who have traveled to Montpelier to testify certainly know. I can’t count how many times I or one of you was stymied by ongoing floor debate that kept committees from meeting as scheduled. My thanks go to all of the 6 THE VERMONT BAR JOURNAL • SUMMER 2019