Vermont Bar Journal, Vol. 40, No. 2 VBA Journal, Summer Issue, Vol. 48, No. 2 | Page 32

The Visitor
“ With my life . I don ’ t want to end up like my parents trapped in boring , dead-end jobs they hate , with no hope of things ever getting better .”
“ But you ’ re in school , getting an education . Your whole life is in front of you , and I ’ m sure you will have lots of choices .”
“ Yeah , maybe , but I haven ’ t done very well in school . The guidance counsellor says I don ’ t apply myself enough . But there ’ s no point in it .” “ Why do you feel that way ?” “ Because the ones who succeed are born smarter , or have more money or know important people who can give them an advantage .”
Again Annabelle felt a sense of disappointment — that emotion that she thought had moved on long ago but was now like the party guest who refuses to accept that it ’ s time to go home . And right behind that was another feeling that had long gone AWOL : compassion .
“ That ’ s crazy ,” she said , surprising herself with her directness . “ If you put your mind to it , you can do anything .” “ How do you know ?” Julie countered . “ Because I was there once also ,” Annabelle replied . “ When I started out , I had a dream . But in what I wanted to do , there were almost no women who did that , or who were encouraged to do that . My own family told me not to do it , that the odds were too high , that I would be disappointed , and — worst of all — that maybe I didn ’ t have what it took to succeed .”
Julie hung her head down and nodded . Annabelle reached for her walker next to her chair , unfolded it and stood up .
“ I think we need a nice cup of tea ,” she said .
Heading Upstairs
Annabelle ’ s room was one floor above . As they rode the methodical elevator upward , Julie noticed the bright green tennis balls that had been sacrificed to smooth the glide of Annabelle ’ s walker , foregoing a career on the court for impalement at the bottom of the device ’ s rear , wheelless legs .
Annabelle ’ s door had her name beside it , and hanging below the peephole was a small , pretty arrangement of artificial flowers . Annabelle fumbled through a purse congested with facial tissues , finally fishing out her key .
Her room was just as Julie expected — immaculate , sunny and decorated with more photographs than she had ever seen in any frame store .
Most of Annabelle ’ s pictures seemed to be of family , but there were a few in a small collection from her school days .
“ In my high school , there were just about as many girls as boys . That was good . But in college , we were definitely a small minority . And in law school — well , you really had to look carefully to find us .”
So Annabelle had been a lawyer , Julie thought . Maybe that was why she knew so much .
“ That must have been scary ,” Julie suggested .
“ It was ,” Annabelle agreed . “ But we women stuck together and supported each other . I ’ m not sure I could have been successful in law school without that .”
“ Did you work as a lawyer after you graduated ?”
“ I did , but getting a job was not easy . Back then , a lot of firms would not hire a woman lawyer . But I got lucky , and found a top firm that took me on .”
“ Wow , you were really ahead of your time .”
“ I didn ’ t think of it that way . I was not looking to stand out or break through any walls .” “ Did you like it there ?” “ I did for the most part . But although most of the other lawyers accepted me as an equal , some never could . I worked very hard and made many sacrifices , including in my personal life . Ultimately , several years later I ended up becoming the firm ’ s first female partner .” “ That ’ s fantastic ,” Julie exclaimed . “ It was great , although even then I still sensed some resentment . But I dealt with it , and over time I sensed it less and less .
“ Julie , the point is you can never sell yourself short . Nothing is impossible if you
really want it and if you are willing to commit yourself to it completely , with hard work , time and sacrifices . It ’ s not easy , but I think you owe it to yourself to try .”
Julie nodded . It was a much-appreciated kick in her motivational pants .
Why did you become a lawyer ?” she asked . “ Was it the money ?”
Annabelle smiled . She was sure Julie would be amazed if she knew how little she was paid when she started .
“ That ’ s a good question . I had two reasons . The first was that I was fascinated by the law — that there was a system that took all the people there are in this town , or this country , or this world , and tried to the extent possible to allow them to live together and pursue their goals and happiness in a reasonable manner . And that when someone broke the rules , that the situation would be assessed fairly , and that where wrongdoing was found , the person who was hurt could expect and would receive justice . I was also intrigued by the way the law could evolve as circumstances evolved , as new issues arose and new situations and technologies appeared . At the very least , I was certain I would never be bored .
“ But for me there was a second and probably even more important reason . I needed to find something that allowed me to help others . Being a lawyer is in some ways like being a doctor or a nurse , or a teacher , or a police officer , firefighter or EMS technician . You encounter people who are at an extremely difficult time or circumstance in their life , who feel like they are all alone , and who look to you to help them somehow get through it . As a lawyer , I had clients who found themselves at the end of their rope , in desperate and seemingly hopeless situations . I comforted and stood by all of them , and fought with everything I had for their rights .”
Julie was riveted to Annabelle ’ s words . “ I , I would like to do that ,” she said , swallowing audibly , adding , “ to have the power and opportunity to make a difference in people ’ s lives .”
“ It is a kind of power ,” Annabelle agreed , “ but , like they say , with power comes great

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