VERBOTEN Magazine July 2014 | Page 19

Viewpoint America is home to freedom of speech. The views and opinions expressed in this section are solely those of the original authors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Verboten Magazine or its staff, and/or any, or all, contributors to this magazine. Enjoy! Consenting Consensually I want to start by saying that no person deserves to be non-consensually violated ever. No one should ever feel they have a right to something that has not been agreed to. Lately there seems to be a movement that actually further confuses consent rather than bringing attention to it like was its intended purpose. Consent, in layman’s Steel terms, is agreeing to allow something to happen or an agreement for something to be done. This seems simple enough, until someone begins asking about Implied, Express, or Informed Consent. Now don’t get me wrong these are all very important things and the legality are needed but we have neither the time nor the space to get involved in legal definitions. When applied to the world of BDSM and Kink, in some aspects, consent has become a new form of aftermath damage control. A Top goes to the local dungeon, meets a lovely bottom and they agree to play. In the excitement of the moment, the negotiations are hurried through and the agreements made with little clarity and both are excited to get to the cross and engage. In the moment, the Top grabs his favorite tool and goes to work. The moans of the bottom are growing louder and rather than address this he says, “let’s keep you quiet then, open wide” to which she opens her mouth and he inserts a ball gag and continues with their play. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, visibly there is no distress and at one point the bottom inexplicably ejaculates in a stream below her. He takes her down, he gets her water, they talk and laugh, and part with a cheek kiss and a promise to do it again. A week later at a munch the Top is asked to leave, he has been accused of violating the girl who is afraid for her well-being after his multiple consent violations, a new term the bottom only learned about while talking about her encounter with other people. See, they never discussed his favorite toy and she had never experienced one so she lacked informed consent. In addition to this, the ball gag was never previously discussed and although opening her mouth gave implied consent it stopped her ability to verbally remove consent should she become distressed which she may have done before becoming so aroused that she came without reason. The bottom was wronged and the Top, thinking he had a great scene with a new play partner, now is reduced to an accused predator. This is a problem I have never had to face personally as I do not casually play, all my partners have been committed to a power dynamic that gave standing consent to all activities regardless of being told before hand. The real concern for me is this idea that someone would agree to anything they were not prepared for especially with a virtual stranger. If this is your preferred method of interaction I hope you choose the right person, because if you don’t, once tied up and naked it’s hard to say, “I’d rather not” to someone who is intent on harming you. Use your thinking head and know your partner well enough to know if they have a tendency to harm...the only way this can be negotiated is TIME. Your comments will be read if sent to [email protected], if you have a question about my unpopular view of things. See you next issue, where I will discuss Being New. Unpopular Opinions 19