Veolia Water Technologies by GineersNow Engineering Magazine GineersNow Engineering Magazine September 2016 | Page 42

CAN COCONUT WATER REPLACE SPORTS ENERGY DRINKS? Photo by Mercola Most athletes and busy people like engineers, nurses, and even students rely on sports energy drinks to be able to be productive in their routines. Unfortunately, while sports energy drinks do work, they are artificial. So is there a more natural alternative for energy drinks? Yes—Coconut water. Pure coconut water is loaded with lots of electrolytes, like sodium which is the one that is most lost from our body when we sweat. According to a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, coconut water replenishes our bodily fluids just as well as sports drinks and even better than water. It is only the flavor of the sports drinks that attracts the masses. According to sports nutritionist Nancy Clark, MS, RD and author of Nancy Clarks Sports Nutrition Guidebook, coconut water won’t rehydrate the body unless you can drink plenty of it. If one can tolerate large amounts of this, it could help in keeping you hydrated. Photo by SBsportlive 42 SEPTEMBER 2016 Clean Water Technologies