Ventures Summer-Fall 2022 | Page 28


Distinguished Alumni Award

2022 Alumni Recognition

Michelle Swanenburg from the class of 1987 is the 2022 recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award .
The Distinguished Alumni Award is presented to a graduate who has achieved a high level of success in their professional career and has made outstanding contributions to their community .
Swanenburg earned her associate degree in General Studies from Villa Julie College as well as a Bachelor of Science in Education and master ’ s in Human Resources , both from Towson University .
Swanenburg currently serves as the head of Human Resources at T . Rowe Price . Swanenburg says her role provides an opportunity to positively impact people ’ s lives and careers . “ I also love the global nature of my role and that every day there is an opportunity to learn something new about myself and the world around me ,” she said .
“ Stevenson University was an important part of my career journey , and I am honored and appreciate that [ the university is ] recognizing me 30 + years later for what I have accomplished professionally ,” said Swanenburg . “ My best advice to each student is to recognize that going into your careers — bringing your best self to work every day — is the best way to advance and grow . Don ’ t get caught up in the little things . Focus on the big things and the opportunities you have ahead of yourself .”
Swanenburg has maintained a strong connection to her alma mater through the years and currently serves on the President ’ s Advisory Council .
Michelle Swanenburg ‘ 87

Loyal Alumni Award

Julie Szymaszek from the class of 1968 is this year ’ s recipient of the Loyal Alumni Award at Stevenson University .
The Loyal Alumni Award is presented to a graduate who consistently demonstrates loyalty and commitment to the university , works to advance Stevenson ' s mission , and provides steadfast philanthropic support to their alma mater .
Julie earned her associate degree in Early Childhood Education from Villa Julie College and later attended Towson University where she earned her bachelors and master ' s degree in Early Childhood Education . She worked in the Baltimore County Public School system for 32 years before serving as Assistant Superintendent of Southern York County School District in Pennsylvania .
Now retired , she is an active member of the President ’ s Advisory Council and a member of the 1947 Club for consecutive giving .
“ Stevenson ’ s philosophy and mission aligns with what I believe about the power of education . It is the pathway to lifelong success ,” said Szymaszek . “ As a university , [ we ] are committed to the mission that every student can succeed , accomplish great things with the right support . [ We ] work diligently in finding the great potential in every Stevenson student .”
Szymaszek shared her gratitude for receiving this award . “ I credit Ville Julie College / Stevenson University for giving me the foundation and skills along with a “ can do attitude " for a successful career in education .”
Julie Szymaszek ‘ 68