Ventures Summer 2019 | Page 29

Martelle and scholarship recipient Jillian DiOrio ’19. Carolee Martelle ’63 ’89 ’97 believes in the power from that are so important? Anyone who has the de- of education and the potential of Stevenson’s stu- sire to pursue a higher education should be able to do dents. In 2016 she created an endowed scholarship so without a lifetime of student debt. In essence, it fund that will assist deserving students in perpetu- shouldn’t be free, but needs to be affordable. ity. To further ensure her impact into the future, she “I have always believed people should be charitable joined the Great Oaks Society by making provision where they can. In my case, I feel I am helping young for the university in her estate planning, strengthen- people, in some small way, achieve their goals. At ing her legacy of giving. Here, Martelle shares her the same time, given the opportunity, I would like to reasons for this dedication. “I am proud of what Steven- son University has become. It has grown from a two-year, all girls commuter college to a four- year university with a diverse student body, offering a multi- tude of degree programs. In my opinion, sustaining this growth is critical to the university and taking it to the next level. As a result, contributions will play a think that they will do the same I am proud of what Stevenson University has become. significant role. for those who come after them. “At various Stevenson events, I had the opportunity to talk to many students. While I always found these conversations to be enjoyable and interesting, there were two consistent messages. One, they were very happy to be attending Stevenson and two, they were extremely grateful for the financial assistance they re- ceived. In my mind, it was quite “As a student, I developed a deep appreciation for clear these students would not be able to pursue a de- Stevenson University. The education I received at SU gree or, more importantly, obtain one without finan- played a major role in my life. As a result, I wanted cial support. to share some of my personal success with the uni- versity and as they say, ‘pay it forward.’ “Due to the high cost of education, it is becoming prohibitive for some students to pursue their dream Philanthropy not only helps the students but also the university in its basic needs. As alumni we should all be willing to give something back to our university. There is no contribution too small.” of a higher education. Even with help from grants and scholarships, student debt is at an all-time high, making some people question, ‘is it worth it?’ This For information about the Great Oaks Society and not only has a direct impact on an individual but planned giving options, contact Chris Vaughan, Vice also our society. Without young people obtaining a President for University Advancement, at cvaughan@ higher education, where will the next innovators, or 443-334-2624, or visit plannedgiving. scientists, contributors to society, and leaders come STEVENSON.EDU/GIVING | 27