A New Academic Year,
Brought to You by
Fall is an invigorating time of year with the air turning crisp, the
leaves donning bright colors, and students beginning a new academic
year. For many, the return to campus is only possible through the
generous aid of scholarships. We extend our warm appreciation to
the donors who fulfill this crucial need. Highlighted here are some of
the scholarship funds helping our students to meet their goals.
Shannon Henretty Nursing Scholarship Fund
Was it your major? Your sport? Your favorite professor? Your student organization?
The career that lay ahead?
How did your passions enrich, change,
and shape who you are now?
What if you had the opportunity to help
someone else be enriched, changed,
and shaped by the experience at your
alma mater?
As we begin a new year, welcome a new
class, and anticipate celebrating with
those who will complete a degree this
year, we renew our efforts to create opportunities to come to, thrive at, and
graduate from Stevenson.
The University needs you to STAND for a
program, a scholarship, a team, or a major. To support the students in the classroom, the athletes on the field, participants in community and service projects,
we have a call to action: Attend an event,
cheer on a team, mentor a student, guide
an intern, and be a gift by making a gift.
This scholarship fund was created
last year as a tribute to the late
Shannon Henretty ’14, a graduate
of the nursing program and a
student-athlete who was much
admired by the SU community. We
launched the Shine Like Shannon
campaign to build the fund, and the
Shannon Henretty Memorial Walk
was held on October 20, 2015, with
122 participants helping to raise
money and celebrate Shannon’s
memory. Another event is planned for Sept. 10. We were able to
begin awarding the Shannon Henretty Nursing Scholarship in fall
2015. The fund currently stands at more than $20,000, with a goal
of $50,000 to establish a permanent endowed scholarship fund so
that Shannon’s legacy will help others in perpetuity. We are grateful
for the support of the community in honor of such a worthy cause.
If you are interested in contributing to the fund, please contact
Meghan Culbertson, Director of Advancement, at 443-334-2227
or make a secure gift online at
Newcombe Scholarships for Mat ure Women Students
The Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation (CWNF) is continuing
its support of Stevenson students who are beyond the traditional age
of undergraduates by granting an award of $20,000 for a second year.
The Foundation provides scholarship funds to institutions that are
particularly welcoming to mature women students and serve them
well. These scholarships are awarded to women over the age of 25
with financial need who have earned at least 60 credit hours toward
their first bachelor’s degree. From its inception in 1979, CWNF has
provided a total of $21.5 million in grants for Newcombe Scholarships
for Mature Women Students at 60 colleges and universities. Last
year, Stevenson University was fortunate to receive its first award of
$20,000 from the Foundation: $10,000 was distributed in tuition
support among nine deserving female
students; the remaining $10,000
formed an endowed scholarship fund.
All institutions receiving awards from
CWNF are required to match the funds;
thus, Stevenson provided an additional
$20,000, divided between the awarded
scholarships and the scholarship
endowment. With the renewal of this
grant, we will again offer scholarships
to students who meet the criteria, we
will add to the endowment, and we will
work toward matching these dollars. To
learn more about supporting this fund,
contact Meghan Culbertson, Director
of Advancement, at 443-334-2227.
A Grand Opening for a Grand Building
On Aug. 30, the SU community, alumni, and friends joined together to celebrate
the opening of our new Academic Center at Owings Mills North, ready to receive
students for the fall 2016 semester. The festivities included a ribbon-cutting ceremony
and remarks by campus and community leaders.
With its expanded classroom, laboratory, and studio space for the School of the
Sciences, the School of Health Professions, and the School of Design, this impressive
building also offers a Learning Commons, student lounge areas, and art exhibition
space. The Academic Center will provide an optimal learning environment for our
students for many years to come.
Keelty Scholars
with Hertzbach & Company
Keelty with some of his Keelty Scholars in May
Stevenson University has been honored
to count Joseph S. Keelty among
our most generous supporters, and
we were saddened by the news of his
passing on April 10 at the age of 93.
As our friend for more than 30 years,
Keelty established the University’s first
endowed scholarship in 1986: The
Joseph S. Keelty Endowed Scholarship. It
began awarding students in the fall of
1991 and is now in its 26th year. In
2002 he established a second endowed
scholarship to benefit students in our
nursing program, The Joseph S. Keelty
Endowed Nursing Scholarship. To date,
a total of 123 students have received
more than $600,000 in tuition support.
These endowed funds will award in
perpetuity, ensuring that Keelty’s
philanthropic legacy will continue.
In June, Stevenson’s Office of Alumni
Relations hosted a luncheon at Hertzbach & Company, a certified public
accounting and consulting practice
in Owings Mills. Many of Stevenson’s 23 graduates who work for
Hertzbach gathered to learn about
the strong partnership between SU
and Hertzbach from colleague and
Alumni Association Board Member
President Kevin J. Manning, Ph.D., spoke with
Jennifer Verch ’01. The program
Stevenson alumni employed at Hertzbach & Company.
also included a University update from
President Kevin J. Manning, Ph.D., and remarks from Chair and Professor of Accounting Barbara Rowell, J.D.
Along with establishing a strong internship and recruitment program at Stevenson, Hertzbach has contributed to the success of our students through scholarship support. Since fall 2004, 11 accounting students have been awarded a total of
$23,000 from the Hertzbach & Company Annual Scholarship, and then the Hertzbach
& Company Endowed Scholarship, which became fully funded in fall 2015.
Alumni@Work is an initiative that helps strengthen the relationships among Stevenson University, our alumni, and our corporate partners. Through this program,
we reach out to businesses that employ graduates to hold events where alumni can
network with their colleagues and maintain a valuable connection with their alma
mater. If you work alongside several SU alumni and are interested in learning more
about our Alumni@Work events, please contact Allison Humphries, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations, at 443-334-2063 or
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