Ventures Fall 2016 | Page 16

STUDENT CLUBS AT SU Student Government Association-recognized Student Clubs for Fall 2016 Student Clubs at SU: amount about the Islamic faith and the Muslim culture. I appreciate these amazing students sharing their culture with me and trusting me to help support their club.” Diane Payne, Ph.D., Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs and Something for Everyone by Sherry Bithell Research and Instructor of Chemistry, is the faculty advisor for the American Chemical Society Club. Here, students gain experience in areas that you might expect—and others that you might not. “They learn to present their knowledge to others and gain leadership skills from serving as an officer or leading a meeting,” Payne says. “But they also take part in outreach events, attending Scholars Day and Accepted Students Day, and many of them mentor freshmen chemistry majors. And they enjoy the camaraderie of working with other clubs on University-wide events throughout the year.” The group’s diversity is an added bonus, she notes. “They all get along well and have learned to look for each other’s strengths, not their shortcomings or differences.” One club that emphasizes inclusion and student support is The Q Group, which allows students to learn about and promote LGBTQ issues and identities. Faculty advisor Laura T. Smith, Ph.D., Chair and Associate Professor of English Language and Literature, says that in addition to events such as Queer Talent Night and Drag-u-Cation, the club also holds weekly meetings and Safe Space forums that feature games, movies, and discussions of personal experiences and current events Admittedly, the phrase “something for everyone” sounds Association (ISA), says that all the clubs create common trite. But when you glance at the full list of Stevenson’s ground among students. “Sometimes you think you’re the diverse array of student clubs (see sidebar to the right), only one interested in something, then you find that you it’s easy to see that every SU student should be able to have a shared experience with others.” Citing students in find at least one fit—if not more. the ISA, she says, “They come from around the country “In addition to doing well academically, I think there are two things every student should do in college: study abroad and get involved,” says Daniel Schwartz, Assistant Director of Student Activities. “If you like a club, stay in it. If you don’t like it, try something else.” about other cultures, talk about their food and family. “It’s what college should be: learning something outside of what you already know.” This principle also applies to club faculty and staff A specific example comes from Maumi Cannell- advisors, says Morgan Somerville, Director of Student Chatterton, Assistant to the VP for Student Affairs and Engagement and advisor for Mission: I’m Home and the staff mentor to the Anime Club. “One o