The veil is often linked to your piety. A woman in a hijab is throught of as so much more religious and
pious than a woman without the veil. This isn’t the case at all, there are so many women who don’t practise
covering that can be considered far more devout than a woman who does cover. The veil is essentially only
one piece of an individual’s Islam. There are so many other ways to be devout. All Muslims have different
pieces of Islam that their either struggle with or connect to and each of those pieces can be interpreted in
different ways. Hijab and modesty is only one piece of the whole picture.
When you wear hijab, you’re making a statement about yourself before you even open your mouth. Even
if you’re not someone who wears your religion on your sleeve in the sense that you don’t overly preach
your beliefs to others, just by being Muslim and wearing hijab, you’re saying something about yourself and
Muslims - which can be a good or bad commentary based on the interpreter. This is the part again where
actions speak louder than words. Whatever you do often becomes attached to your religion. In cases where
it’s the first time a person interacts with a Muslim, even if the conversation is not about Islam, through that
interaction that person is recieving context about who Muslims are and what they’re like.