Amal Botan
There are over a billion Muslims worldwide coming from different parts of the world including Africa,
the Middle East, and Europe. To label the small percentage of deviants of Islam that use the name of Islam
to promote their own political ideologies is to completely disregard what Islam really stands for and why
it was written. Having media and powerful political persons and corporations stand in front of masses
of people and strip Muslims of their pride and belief by calling Islam oppressive, violent, backwards and
uncivilized, amongst many other injust accusations cuts religion out of the conversations and justifies the
comments entirely through a prejudice lens and political/cultural differientiation. Labeling every single
person within a religion is blowing the whole topic out of context and looking at it very narrow-mindedly.
Muslims do not need saving from Islam. Islam is not where the problem lies, the problem is rooted beneath
the walls of the political sphere. Islam does not promote violence and the degradation of its women.