“It scares me to know that there are people out there
that are capable of hurting a woman based on her
choice of dress.”
Mashaal initially started wearing the veil around the time she was 14 but did not
become a full-time hijabi until 3 years later. Prior to this, she was getting used to
the idea and how it made her feel. Her mom did her part in educating her on the
wisdom behind hijab and Islam; however, a big portion of the decision was due to
her own research. It was strictly her choice in deciding to wear it because it made
sense to her and it grew on her. No external factors, such as the recent outbursts of
assault against Muslim hijabi women, will change her attachment to the veil and
influence her decision to wear hijab.
Wearing hijab gave her a positive outlook on life as well as feedback from her peers.
Respect is a key aspect to wearing hijab. A lot of women note the change in treatment they recieve from others after covering. The hijab puts a wall against certain
types of experiences in our society such as sexual assault and objectification. Not
to say hijabi women will never experience sexual assault, but many have noted a
difference in how others treat and look at them. There is a higher sense of respect
for the woman and her body.