“Someone might be having a bad day and I could be the person they see
that they can focus that anger on. I need to be more aware.”
There’s a story about a Prophet that touches on the aspect of modesty and lowering of the gaze. On his
way to the market with his cousin, a lady came up to them to ask for directions. She was a beautiful young
woman. The Prophet told his cousin to lower his gaze and not to stare at her beauty. The moral of the story
is that he didn’t tell the woman to cover up, he told his cousin to respect her and not look at her in a sexual
manner. Lowering the gaze is all about intentions and respect. A woman should not have to cover to regulate a man’s intentions. The fault is at the person with the wrong intentions. The act of veiling is a choice
of modesty and personal identity. Everyone is accountable for their own actions.
Everyone has their own opinions on modesty and how one choses to implements those ideals on their
body is entirely their choice.