Vegetarian Starter Kit 1 | Page 7

Butter : 100 % fat Cheddar cheese : 74 % fat
Whole milk : 49 % fat
“ 2 %” milk : 35 % fat

What about Milk ?

• Calcium : Green leafy vegetables , such as kale , are better than milk as calcium sources .
• Fat Content *: Dairy products — other than skim varieties — are high in fat , as a percentage of total calories .
• Iron-Deficiency : Milk is very low in iron . To get the U . S . Recommended Dietary Allowance of 11 milligrams of iron , an infant would have to drink more than 22 quarts of milk each day . Milk also causes blood loss from the intestinal tract , depleting the body ’ s iron .
• Diabetes : In a study of 142 children with diabetes , 100 percent had high levels of an antibody to a cow ’ s milk protein . It is believed that these antibodies may destroy the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas .
• Contaminants : Milk is frequently contaminated with antibiotics and excess vitamin D . In one study of 42 milk samples tested , only 12 percent were within the expected range of vitamin D content . Of ten samples of infant formula , seven had more than twice the vitamin D content reported on the label , and one had more than four times the label amount .
• Lactose : Three out of four people from around the world , including an estimated 25 percent of individuals in the United States , are unable to digest the milk sugar lactose , which then causes diarrhea and gas . The lactose sugar , when it is digested , releases galactose , a simple sugar that is linked to ovarian cancer and cataracts .
• Allergies : Milk is one of the most common causes of food allergy . Often the symptoms are subtle and may not be attributed to milk for some time .
• Colic : Milk proteins can cause colic , a digestive upset that bothers one in five infants . Milk-drinking mothers can also pass cow ’ s milk proteins to their breast-feeding infants .

* Fat content of dairy products based on percentage of calories from fat

Butter : 100 % fat Cheddar cheese : 74 % fat

Whole milk : 49 % fat

“ 2 %” milk : 35 % fat

( It is 2 % fat only by weight .)

Ideas for Delicious

Dairy-Free Dining

If you are curious whether dairy foods are contributing to your allergies , skin problems , asthma , stomach upset , gas , diarrhea , or constipation , or you ’ d like to see how your body feels when it is dairy-free , just give it a try for three weeks . It takes about three weeks to break or create a habit . And in that short time , many people experience major benefits , such as a drop in blood cholesterol levels , weight loss , relief from allergies , asthma , indigestion , or chronic stomach problems . Here are some simple ideas to get you started :
Top your oats or cold cereal with fortified rice or almond milk .
Make smoothies with enriched vanilla soymilk or drink an ice cold glass of your favorite soymilk with your meal or snack .
“ Leave off the cheese , please .” Order your entrée or salad with no cheese . Many dishes can be easily made cheesefree . Ask for guacamole , rice , or extra salsa in your burrito or on your tostada instead of the cheese . Put more vegetables on a dinner salad or add some beans , nuts , or baked tofu chunks instead of cheese .
Most recipes calling for milk can be made with soymilk instead . If it ’ s a soup or other savory dish , be sure to purchase plain soymilk for cooking .
Make creamy dips and desserts using silken tofu in place of sour cream or cream cheese .
Sprinkle nutritional yeast on popcorn or pasta for a cheesy flavor instead of parmesan .