Vegas Indie Artists August 2014 | Page 4

“Somewhere, and sometime we will all remind ourselves that we deserve to be happy, healthy and incredible, no matter how many attempts it may take. My Grandmother always said to never settle for anything but reaching for the stars, I think I finally get it...”

Jeff took his Grandmother’s wisdom to heart and is truly and incredible person. Jeff and I are alumni of Trinity College of Natural Health out of Warsaw, Indiana. I met Jeff years ago through KLAV 1230 am, one of Las Vegas’ oldest radio stations. I am proud to call him my friend. Jeff is not only a gifted healer he is a radio talk show host that shares his talent and knowledge with the world. Jeff is a wonderful personality that sparkles when he is near. His promise to all of us is to keep us informed, entertained and enlightened. He has been keeping his promise for over 30 years. He is one of the best talk show hosts on the air and his work has spanned over more than 25 years. If you haven’t listened to his show yet, you really should. He is articulate, passionate, and brings you information in an easy to understand, straight forward format. His passion for health and wellness warms his listeners worldwide.



