VDAY2020_BoardPresentationOBR | Page 18


THEME : “ Solidarity For Women Rights And Dignity : Fight Against COVID-19 Threats And Government Neglect ”
RISING : T o campaign against HK government neglect to address issues related to COVID-19 To protect the health and safety of Migrant Domestic Workers in HK * Since COVID-19 started ( in HK , it began before February 14th ), grassroots women have been heavily affected in terms of increased fears regarding their health due to the high cost and scarce supply of health equipment like masks , as well as due to necessary care for sick people in the household ; increased cleaning responsibilities at home and ( for cleaners ) at work ; increased care work at home for children who are unable to attend school ; increased exposure to damaging chemicals used for anti-virus hygiene ; and – as common in economic crisis – threats to wage cuts and layoffs . Migrant Domestic Workers are singled out and treated discriminately by indirectly banning their right to enjoy the rest day outside their employer ’ s houses .


THEME : “ Rising For Revolution To End Violence Against Women ” RISING : To end street harassment , violence against girls , corporal punishment and rape SOLOMON ISLANDS

RISING : To end violence against women – one of the highest in the Pacific region VANUATU

RISING : To end violence and discrimination against transwomen and other members of the LGBTQI community