Eating Breakfast Doesn’t Aid Weight Loss Efforts
The featured study3 divided 309 overweight and obese but otherwise
healthy adults into two random groups. Some were told to eat breakfast,
while the others were told to skip it.
The researchers specifically wanted to find out whether eating or not eating
breakfast had any impact on weight loss. After 16 weeks, the researchers
found no difference in weight loss between the groups. In essence, it didn’t
matter if they ate breakfast or not.
It’s worth noting that they didn’t control the food intake of any of the
participants. Most likely, the reason why there was no notable weight loss
difference between those who ate breakfast and those who didn’t, is that
they may all have been eating an overall inappropriate diet, as most
Americans do.
After all, if you’re eating large amounts of refined carbs and processed
fructose throughout the day, skipping breakfast may not be enough to
achieve weight loss, as this type of diet actively prevents your body from
effectively burning fat.