Varsity College Partners Oct. 2014 | Page 7

T HE MA RKETI NG AS S OC I AT I ON O F S OU T H A FRI CA ( MA( SA )) The association provides a representation voice for organisations and individuals within the South African marketing industry. It seeks to provide leadership, mentorship, support and guidance to the industry and promote the concept of self-regulation, independent and credible research and professional and ethical marketing practices, encapsulated through the chartered marketer and marketing practitioner designations. It is actively involved in influencing national policy, legislation and strategy on marketing and related business issues and has a fully inclusive board, which represents all the major South African industries. MA(SA) is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the provision of education and training, related to marketing in South Africa. MA(SA) endorses The IIE’s BCom degree in Marketing Management and the Diploma in Commerce and Marketing Management.