Varsity College Partners Oct. 2014 | Page 3

“The IIE is the only South African private higher education provider which carries the BAC accreditation at this time, and we are very proud of reaching this significant milestone. Not just for ourselves, but for the sector as a whole. Within the challenging context of higher education in our country, it is important that private higher education providers are able to confidently and competently offer options to matriculants to further their studies at campuses other than public universities,” said Felicity Coughlan. Varsity College students can now be assured that their IIE qualification complies with international standards. UN IVE RSI T Y OF THE FRE E STATE (UF S ) This ground-breaking partnership between UFS and The IIE/Varsity College will enable us to offer tuition support on its Varsity College campuses, for the Bachelor of Laws degree that is highly sought after in the legal profession. The UFS Faculty of Law is one of the oldest and most distinguished Faculties of Law in South Africa, as well as being the only one situated in Bloemfontein, the judicial capital of the country. Furthermore the faculty has a close association with several overseas universities which ensures that their institution is internationally recognised. The UFS Faculty of Law is strongly committed to ensuring the students obtain both a thorough grounding in legal theory, as well as a solid practical foundation. Varsity College, through our strong commitment to innovative teaching and learning, believes that this qualification will enable us to produce law graduates of the highest calibre.