Vapouround USA-Issue 1 | Page 112



Could Health Canada ’ s appointment of pro-vaping Michael Pesko mean an end to the country ’ s harm reduction gridlock ?
Words : Jordan Millar
After its ‘ killer ’ federal flavour ban proposal sparked outrage around the world , it seemed clear that vaping was at the top of Health Canada ’ s hit list . Advocates rallied in their thousands , accusing the group of ignoring best practice and ‘ disregarding ’ the lives and health of adult smokers .
But , in an optimistic turn of events , the health body appointed an experienced pro-vaping economist as a guiding hand for future e-cigarette policy .
Michael Pesko , responsible for a number of studies that investigated the potential of vaping as a consumer product and the consequences of stringent regulations , is celebrated by the harm reduction community .
And while he ’ s not the first pro-vaping member of Health Canada ’ s ‘ Board of Scientific Advisors for Vaping Products ’, advocates across the globe are asking if this could be a turning point for the nation ’ s regulations . get past the noise and back on track , bravo Michael .”
However , while the selection of Dr . Pesko could be a sign of good things to come , it remains to be seen if Health Canada will even follow his advice .
Christina Xydous , a longtime harm reduction advocate said , while she hopes this marks a change for Canadian vaping policy , she doesn ’ t want to get too comfortable .
She warned that , in the past , the health body consulted with international tobacco control specialists – who support e-cigarettes as a reduced risk tool – and still pursued anti-vaping proposals .
The Quebec Coalition for Vapers ’ Rights spokesperson ( CVDQ ) said : “ There are increasing signs that positions may be changing , or at the very least , there might be division within Health Canada .
“ This development probably signals an internal debate that ’ s happening … so maybe we will see the tides turning .”
They highlighted that , despite the ‘ tragic ’ and ‘ infuriating ’ story of Health Canada ’ s approach so far , this could be a ‘ positive move for the future ’.
Vape activist Skip Murray said : “ A good scientist does their very best to be unbiased , to actively seek accurate information .
“ Mike supports people knowing the truth and he understands how deadly smoking is … I think he is a good choice for this position .”
Another , Hamish Bowley , added : “ Something tells me Canada will
Mike supports people knowing the truth and he understands how deadly smoking is … I think he is a good choice for this position .
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