Vapouround magazine VM18 | Page 29




A crackdown on smoking in open public places where children are present , such as at play parks , has been revealed in a Raising Scotland ’ s Tobacco-Free Generation blueprint , which it ’ s hoped will help Scotland become smoke free by 2034 . The proposal also includes banning smoking outside hospitals and prohibiting cigarettes in prisons , as well as on communal stairwells . However , e-cigarettes will still be permitted in prisons . Scotland was the first UK nation to introduce the ban on smoking in enclosed public spaces such as pubs and restaurants in 2006 .


Universal standardisation and harmonisation in e-liquid testing is urgently needed , EL Science Technical Director Shaun Wedgwood told the recent ENDS conference in London . He said universal standards would make risk assessment easier and allow the public to be more confident that liquids they were buying were free from harmful chemicals . He added : “ There is room for improvement within the industry , but it is very hard for us to come to a consensus without some form of standardisation .”

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Iceland is to become the first nation to adopt a specific law for vaping with zero links to tobacco products . The law also covers advertising , making it legal to advertise vaping products in Iceland . However , it will also limit nicotine concentration to two percent and stipulates that a 0.9 percent tax be applied to all vaping product sales , which will fund anti-smoking initiatives . The Icelandic Health Directorate are crediting e-cigarettes for a 40 percent drop in smoking rates since 2014 .
The European Union has launched a public consultation on excise duties concerning vaping products . The consultation will run until September 3 and is intended to “ gather the views of stakeholders on the current tobacco taxation in the EU , as well as on novel products ( e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products ) and appropriate options for a possible revision of [ the TPD ].”
The online journal Oxford Academic has come out against naming e-cigarettes as tobacco products . A recent editorial titled “ Are e-cigarettes tobacco products ?” describes the merging of vaping and tobacco products as a , “ particularly US phenomenon ” and said that the language used by a medical academics must be clear and unambiguous : “ We are fundamentally a scientific journal and should ensure that the terms we use a clear , unambiguous and valid .”
The New Nicotine Alliance ( NNA ) has joined forces with several European advocacy groups in taking a stand against a potential EU vape tax . They say the only acceptable form of tax on vaping products is VAT and believe that a tax on vaping could discourage smokers from making the switch due to the incurred cost . The NNA also says if enforced , the vape tax could “ protect ” smoking . For more information on the consultation , go to ec . europa . eu or nnalliance . org
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