Vapouround magazine Special Issue 03 | Page 96


By Stephen Tarpey

This event was set in the beautiful colonial city of Richmond , beautiful architecture and vaping came together for the VPX expo . As ever the VPX events are always well organised and run like clockwork . I have noticed that vape shows in the states are starting to become smaller and smaller and this was no exception . There certainly seems to be a glut of shows in the US and this is bound to have an impact on the number of shows both buyers and exhibitors can commit too . This was the last event to be held in the states before the FDA regulations took effect , and a lot of the juice companies
96 VAPOUROUND MAGAZINE USA had their latest juice productions on show ready for sale before the regulations started . Just a couple of the new brands on show included Mellow Buddha from Naked Fish and Drip Forge with their new vape treat Nanner Puddin ’. It was great to see so much ingenuity going into the production of new products . Footfall at the show was pretty pedestrian and a number of vendors scheduled to attend were not present , I assume that this was due to the proximity of the impending regulations and people working towards getting the last of their products ready and submitted to the FDA . This was also a great time for the advocacy groups to relay information to people on life after regulations . With guest speakers Stefan DIdak and Brittani Cushman taking to the stage to deliver vital information . One of the highlights of the show for me was meeting with a local company called Great Falls Distribution who invited us to see their newest shop , we gladly took them up on their offer and it certainly did not disappoint . I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks for your hospitality .

August 5-7th 2016