Vapouround magazine Special Issue 03 | Page 54

1963- 2003

The Evolution of Vape


The first patent for an electronic cigarette was filed in the USA on April 17th , 1963 by inventor Herbert A Gilbert from Beaver Falls , Pennsylvania . The patent was for a ‘ smokeless nontobacco cigarette ’ which was designed to “ provide a safe and harmless means for and method of smoking by replacing burning tobacco and paper with heated , moist , flavoured air .” According to the patent application it had many of the elements found in today ’ s e-cigarettes . The patent described how the invention would work saying : “ Air may be drawn through a … cartridge which has been moistened with a chemically harmless flavouring preparation , combining moisture and taste following which the moist and flavoured air passes through a ( heated ) section of the device … so that warm , moist and flavoured air is drawn into the mouth .” Sadly Gilbert was far ahead of the technological capabilities of the time , his invention never went into production and the patent eventually expired .
Talking of dreams , step forward heavy smoker and pharmacist Hon Lik , from Shenyang in north-east China . His father died from lung cancer and he also realised that his own smoking habit was also damaging his health .
E-cigarettes and vaping have come a very long way in a relatively short time . In fact the pace of change is so rapid that even devices which are just a year or so old can look hopelessly outdated . Here we take a look at some of the major landmarks in the history of the electronic cigarette to see how far things have changed . Just looking back at the way things have changed shows how far the technology has evolved and leaves us wondering just how things will look in another five or ten years time .
1963- 2003
Er … nothing much really happened at all in terms of e-cigarette development . Smokers smoked regular cigarettes and non-smokers didn ’ t unless they were around smokers and then they got the ‘ benefit ’ of their second-hand smoke in their lungs and on their clothes . Nicotine without smoke was still really just a dream .