Vapouround magazine Special Issue 03 | Page 38





As we in the industry go through the daunting steps of TPD and the repetitive sand sorting that was the Regulatory Commissions provided tools … we are forced to assess “ What really comes of this ?”
Regulation is needed , for most industries , especially those that can directly affect the health of a human being . But by what benchmark is that being held to or compared ?
Is it our new designation as a tobacco product ? Is it by an invisible double standard that isn ’ t yet explained or even hammered out but we will find out after they assess our collective results and try to divine a standard of acceptability ?
The truth is ; we can only speculate . Nothing is or has been finite in this process , but one thing . The desire and need to tax the product across the board . Like children filing into desks in a high school classroom , roll call is underway .
We are being deemed fit for unabridged taxation and judgment . There will be no questions asked and very few opinions taken .
Outside of that , we can only give you the answers we think are revealing and truthful from our view : What really comes of this : TAXATION .
Control of Market Elasticity to counter the loss of profits from converted combustible tobacco smokers .
Even if a country wants a state of quitters , they lose the revenue . It is that simple . Not just tax revenue , but healthcare revenue and investment by the end users who are not as sick as often . Pharma loses money , blah blah it is a trickle down effect and it can be measured in dollars and no common sense .
But by what benchmark are these regulations being held to or compared to : With these new regulations it is basically a blind leading the blind contest .
Essentially every study in our industry , from both sides , but a slim few have been non-replicated and mostly buckshot poor assessments of the product .
Vapers can ’ t keep screaming 90 % safer
with zero concrete validation and the
government until lately didn ’ t have any
unbiased tests to validate their claims of
chemicals .