Vapouround Magazine Issue 32 | Page 121

time and others only at night . Sprays and gums take effect much more quickly so can be used to respond to cravings as they arrive . Many people use a combination or NRT products which they can cycle as required Some people experience side effects with NRT . Patches can cause skin irritation while nasal sprays can irritate the nose , throat and eyes and many smokers report that NRT products are not effective to successfully get them to quit smoking .
While e-cigarettes are not a pharmaceutical product like NRT , they do work in much the same way for many people . The variation in e-liquid nicotine levels allows users to gradually reduce their nicotine intake over time , which can help mitigate the withdrawal effect smokers often experience when going ‘ cold turkey .’ A 2019 University College London ( UCL ) study found that e-cigarettes are three times more effective than NRTs at helping adults quit smoking . Some vapers use e-cigarettes as a replacement for combustible tobacco , rather than a way to quit using nicotine altogether . Public Health England , the Royal College of Physicians and Cancer
Research UK all back vaping as a less harmful alternative to smoking . Unlike tobacco smoke , e-cigarette vapor presents a minimal risk to bystanders , according to the latest evidence review from Public Health England . However , people with pre-existing health conditions such as asthma may be more susceptible to irritants in e-cigarette vapour than other people .
We also do not know what risk vape clouds present to bystanders in the COVID era . However , the risk is likely far lower than tobacco smoke which can increase the severity of COVID symptoms . Vapers can further mitigate the risk by vaping considerately .
Whether you want to stop using nicotine altogether or switch to a less harmful product , there are many products out there that could be the answer . Each comes with its pros and cons . However , with its relative safety profile and demonstrable effectiveness at keeping people off cigarettes , vaping offers the most rounded solution .
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