Vapouround magazine ISSUE 22 | Page 49

We don’t just manufacture e-liquid, we manufacture culture. - Billy Webb, Prohibition Vapes. The inspiration behind the name Standing out from the and speakeasy theme? competition? $W WKH WLPH RI RSHQLQJ WKH ÀUVW VKRS we were talking about what would happen if vaping was to get banned LQWKH8.VRPHRQHVDLG´,WZRXOGEH like the prohibition era, with the vaping equivalent of speakeasies”. So when we decided to set up Prohibition, the theme and décor was easy, with rusted corrugated iron, vintage displays, handmade bars, a relaxed warmly lit environment and of course.. %UD]LO·VÀQHVWFRIIHH Expansion and your new facility? We are continually adapting, no matter what the industry trend or change in the market, we constantly research to ÀQGQHZPHWKRGVDQGLPSURYHPHQWV to make our products compliant and sustainable in all countries. We care about giving our clients unprecedented support with innovation, design and PDUNHWLQJ WKHUH·V VR PXFK PRUH going on behind the scenes with WKHVHEUDQGVWKDQ\RX·GLPDJLQH:H GRQ·W MXVW PDQXIDFWXUH HOLTXLG ZH manufacture culture. We have invested in a world class, pharmaceutical grade manufacturing IDFLOLW\ ZLWK 8/3$ ÀOWUDWLRQ ZKLFK consistently delivers clean air to the manufacturing space that is 100x better than the recommended TPD standard. Our new lab is a highly HQHUJ\ HIÀFLHQW VROXWLRQ WR GHOLYHU the best clean manufacturing space, whilst considering the environment. Our clean rooms for bulk mixing and e-liquid manufacturing, are compliant WR ,62  FODVV  ZLWK DLU ÁRZ Why did the company move continuously monitored and adjusted Successful products and to Manufacturing as its main with the worlds most advanced innovations? focus? digital system. We currently have approximately 60 staff on site and After opening the Prohibition stores, 7KH ÀUVW EUDQG ZH HYHU GHVLJQHG estimate that we will be over 100 we began importation of E-Liquid from for a client was in 2017 with Myles by 2020, so we can continuously WKH86DQGRWKHUFRXQWULHVWRSURYLGH Matthews at Dr.Frost E-liquid, which improve the service we can provide to the best and widest selection to our has grown every year since concept our clients. We will be opening an in customers. With a growing innovative and has become one of the strongest house analytical department this year and hungry team, the natural next brands on the market today, sold in DQGDLPWRLQFUHDVHRXUFODVVLÀFDWLRQ step was to produce our own in house over 40 countries. There are many even further. liquid tailored to our market research PRUHMXVWOLNH'U)URVW,FDQ·WOLVWWKHP and customer demands. The rest all, amongst hundreds of brands we What’s coming up in 2019 and beyond? is history really, we began to create create for customers worldwide. more and more brands, co-packing ,Q  WKH 8. PDUNHW ZDV ÁRRGHG and own brand production for clients. with 100ml bottles, we were the 7KDW·V D VHFUHW