Vapouround magazine Issue 09 | Page 96




Why the word ‘ vaping ’ is a lot older than the modern vaping industry
It is widely accepted that as far as the modern electronic cigarette is concerned , the man credited with its invention is Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik . He created the first commercially successful electronic cigarette in 2003 and since then the global vaping industry has grown around the world to what it is today . Modern devices are a far cry from the early e-cigarettes , e-liquids are not limited to tobacco flavours and ‘ vaping ’ is a term in common usage , however the word ‘ vaping ’ is first recorded long before Hon Lik had his initial brainwave . It can actually be traced back to a presentation made by Dr Norman L Jacobson from San Antonio , Texas to the American College of Chest Physicians in November 1979 . The report was titled : “ Non-combustible cigarette : Alternative method of nicotine delivery ” and refers to a nicotine delivery system which contained no “ tar , carbon monoxide and other by-products of smoking [ which ] are injurious to health .” Dr Jacobson said : “ This presentation describes a practical and apparently satisfying method of administrating nicotine by nicotine vapour inhalation via a non-combustible cigarette ( NCC ). “ We will hereafter refer to nicotine vapour inhalation through an NCC as vaping and people who inhale nicotine vapour as vapers .” He described the new vaping device as being of similar shape and size to a standard cigarette and added : “ Vaping represents the immediate inhalation of 3-400 cc of nicotine laced air directly into the lungs .” Dr Jacobson then described a clinical trial of the device where six subjects were tested over a nine day period . He said : “ Changing from the puffing technique for cigarette smoking to nicotine vapour inhalation was easily accomplished by all subjects and no side effects occurred with normal NCC usage . “ Nicotine inhalation seems satisfying and we have demonstrated that nicotine vapour can be inhaled . “ Vapers have the advantage [ over smokers ] of vaping while working , attending class and flying , since there are no noxious fumes and odours to offend non smokers . “ If NCCs are widely accepted it will substantiate the growing conviction that nicotine alone is the habituating ingredient in cigarette smoking . “ Subsequently it will be necessary to determine if inhaling NCC causes a reduction of diseases attributed to cigarette smoking .” A report of the presentation later appeared in a publication called Medical World News in February 1980 . The report , which was headlined “ Smokeless cigs : they satisfy ”, began : “ Yet another way to help presumed nicotine addicts kick the habit may be a paperless , tobaccoless nicotine ‘ cigarette ’ that looks just like the usual kind but doesn ’ t burn . “ Inhaling through it - a process interest Norman L Jacobson here calls vaping - gives would-be ex-smokers the satisfaction they need without requiring them to breathe carbon monoxide and tar , claims Dr Jacobson .” Neither at the original presentation , nor in the Medical World News article were any details given of how the new vaping device worked or how it was constructed . Dr Jacobson was later tracked down by Ashtray Blog ( the blog of e-cigarette direct ) and he told them that it was a very low-tech device indeed . It actually contained filter paper which had been soaked in nicotine and pure nicotine would be pulled off the paper when air was drawn through it by the vaper .
Unlike today ’ s devices it produced no vapour at all , did not contain any flavouring and had no electronic parts at all . Dr Jacobson told the blog : “ At the time we were not aware of anyone who had considered inhaling pure nicotine , so at the time we were clearly the first ones , and yes , we invented the term vaping .” The device was later marketed commercially and sold via large grocery stores in the western USA . It was , however , unsuccessful as the liquid nicotine had a very short shelf life when exposed directly to the air and users reported that it tasted very bitter .
For full document visit : www . industrydocumentslibrary . ucsf . edu / tobacco / docs /# id = kswx0210